Texas Wedding Photography

This particular Texas wedding, covered by SGI Photography, was published in the online magazine, Today’s Bride. http://www.aboutweddings.com/realweddings/realwed_disp.php?wed_id=82
Deep in the Heart of Texas
“The stars at night are big and bright,
deep in the heart of Texas,
The prairie sky is wide and high,
deep in the heart of Texas.
The sage in bloom is like perfume,
deep in the heart of Texas,
Reminds me of the one I love,
Deep in the heart of Texas.”
~ lyrics by June Hershey

The meaning of the word ‘Texas’ is ‘friends’ or ‘allies’. This is exactly what you want in your wedding photographer – a friend who is on your side! Texas Wedding Photography should reflect the Texas-sized love you and your fiancé have for one another.

Kandace and Garrett’s Texas-sized hearts became one, deep in the heart of the Texas Hill Country! Texas Old Town, in Kyle, Texas. The wide open spaces, lovely live oak trees and the charming rustic facilities of Texas Old Town, provided the setting for Kandace and Garrett’s perfect outdoor Texas wedding!
What a charming wedding ceremony site! Of course, no Texas wedding would be complete without a line dance or two at the dance hall after the ceremony! Their lively reception was held in Sage Hall, and you’d better believe there was toe-tapping goin’ on! Not to mention some mighty fine brisket with all the trimmings provided by Fuschak’s Texas Pit Bar-B-Q.

Our lovely bride and groom kissing in front of Texas Old TownTexas Old Town in Kyle TxGroom with his groomsmen walking down the roadExchange of rings at texas outdoor weddingTexas outdoor wedding ceremonyFather dancing with his daughter at texas weddingMarried couple departing from the Texas Old Town reception

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