Benny and Lauren first met in college at Louisiana State University. They reconnected after college in Houston at the LSU vs Wisconsin game, and realized that they both worked in the same building downtown. The following Monday, Benny asked her if she’d like to have coffee with him. She said yes! Little did she know, they would soon become best friends and eventually husband and wife!
The Proposal
‘SuZooPropZa’ was the code name for Benny’s proposal plans and he planned it out flawlessly. He called it ‘SuZooPropZa’ because he took Lauren out to eat at her favorite restaurant called MF Sushi ( “Su” for sushi). Then, he took her to the Christmas Zoo lights at the Houston Zoo ( “Zoo” for the Zoo lights), and at the Zoo lights he got down on one knee and he proposed under all the beautiful Christmas lights ( “Prop” for proposal). Lastly, he planned an amazing surprise engagement party at Hotel ZaZa (“Za”) with all of their friends and family that night. “The ‘SuZooPropZa’ engagement was the most amazing proposal. Benny planned it all out so well, I was so surprised! It was truly perfect and I loved everything about it!”

The Venue
“The Corinthian has always been my dream wedding venue with the marble floors, tall pillars and grand staircase.The Corinthian gives the light open airy and elegant look that I love. It’s also in a great location in downtown Houston on Main Street.”

The Details
Guests: 230
Gown: “After searching for the perfect wedding dress every Saturday with my mom and sister for two months I said ‘yes’ to the most perfect silk satin dress from Ivory.”
Cake: Nadine from Who Made the Cake
Flowers: Donna from Senterpiece “She did the most amazing job and she executed my vision for flowers perfectly!”

The Big Day

Lauren was sure she would cry from being overwhelmed with so many sentimental emotions, but to her surprise, she did not cry at all. “I was just so happy and I had the biggest smile the whole time!” Although she welled up with emotion as she and Benny exchanged their wedding vows. Thankfully, the wedding and reception all went very smoothly. “It was all so perfect! I can’t pick one moment, but I would say having all my friends and family together celebrating Benny and I. It was such a cool feeling having all of the people we love in one room all celebrating together!”

The Honeymoon
“We went to the Qualia on Hamilton Island off the coast of Australia on the Whitsunday Islands – it was truly a dream honeymoon destination.”

Words of Wisdom
“Have fun and enjoy every minute of your engagement, wedding planning and wedding day, ‘Be in the Moment’!”