Katelin and Tim are an adorable couple with infectious smiles and boundless energy! They met at Moody Gardens where they both worked. “We met in front of the Rodrigues fruit bat exhibit.”

Tim’s proposal was thoughtful and well-planned. “We had been dating for 5 years and recently just bought our house. Right before going to one of our adventure weekends, Tim gave me a card. The card described our first year together and then led to a book he had given me that year. In the book was a card describing our second year and then that led to a gift from that year. This led to another card and gift for the third, then the fourth year, the fifth year, and then on the sixth card of the scavenger hunt around the house he asked me to marry him!”

The happily engaged couple chose Galveston Island’s Historic Ashton Villa as their wedding venue because of the beautiful rooms, the history, and the affordable price. “Overall, my favorite aspect of the venue was the beautiful balcony and porch of the house.” Ashton Villa has undergone significant changes in recent times. Most notably, giving access to the historical and ornately decorated second floor bedrooms. The wedding party and wedding guests are allowed use of these previously roped off areas as getting ready rooms for the bride, bridesmaids, groom and groomsmen. Ashton Villa was able to comfortably hold all 100 of Katelin and Tim’s wedding guests for the wedding ceremony and wedding reception. Katelin’s favorite part of their wedding reception was being surrounded by her loving family members and best friend, and listening to them give wonderful toasts about her and Tim.

Wedding Cake: Shykatz in Galveston, Texas
Flowers: Katelin’s mother made all of the table arrangements and bridal bouquets. “She has a great knack for flowers!”
Honeymoon: We have not taken a honeymoon yet, because we are having a second reception in Maryland where Tim’s family lives.
Advice from the newlyweds to future marriage partners: Communication and understanding is key!